Every year, women’s rights organizations, activists, collectives working in the field of violence against women join together across different countries and languages to commemorate 16 days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence. Starting on 25 November (the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) until 10 December (International Human Rights Day), the campaign was launched by The Centre for Women’s Global Leadership in 1991. It has since been adopted by several Community-Based Organisations, Communities, Activists, multilateral institutions, INGOs, NGOs, and more.
COFEM 16 Days of Activism Against GBV 2023
16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence
2023: Ending Violence Against Women and Girls through Radical Feminist Resourcing
This year, adapted from the 2023 UNiTE campaign theme for 16 Days of Activism, COFEM’s 16 Days campaign seeks to explore different feminist investments to EVAWG, through the theme, End Violence Against Women and Girls through Radical Feminist Resourcing. Connecting to COFEM’s strategic priorities and emerging advocacy opportunities, the 2023 campaign seeks to highlight the state of EVAWG funding, positions investing in collective care, feminist research and movement-building as critical to efforts to EVAWG, and explores the range of resourcing practices, both financial and non-financial, that advance EVAWG efforts across the world. COFEM’s 2023 16 Days campaign consists of different activities including webinars, knowledge products, wellness practices and social media campaigns.
COFEM's 2023 Campaign Activities
Blog: Invest to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls, Exploring Funding for Women and Girls with Disabilities

Toolkit: Nourishing Feminist Souls, A Joyful Self-Care Toolkit

Policy Brief: Addressing Violence Against Women and Girls in the SWANA Region, A Call for Targeted Investments in Prevention

IG Live with GBV Prevention Network

Member Activities
Self-Care and Wellness Practice: Trauma-Informed Pilates

Social Media Toolkit
This toolkit is meant to assist COFEM allies and others working on Ending Violence Against Women and Girls in all their diversities to amplify the 16 days of Activism Campaign under the theme, End Violence Against Women and Girls through Radical Feminist Resourcing, by sharing the captions and graphics provided so that we have a more consolidated COFEMinist voice.
Get the message out by sharing this Comic Series Booklet on your personal accounts, using the hashtags #RadicalResourcing4EVAWG #16DaysOfActivism #VAWG #EVAWG #COFEM, share via email with people and organizations committed to promoting feminist-informed resourcing to end violence against women and girls, and contact us for a series of text and graphics that you can post online.
Member Hub Call: Resourcing Feminist Movements to End VAWG, 7 December

Regional Activities
COFEMinists around the world are taking part in regional activities for the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence this year. Check out your region below to join in:
Webinar – Survivors Speak: Stories of Healing and Action (Sahiyo, Asian Women’s Shelter, and Silence Speaks)
Awareness-raising Campaign – A Safe Journey with Her (Thailand)
Webinar – Feminist Financing for Girls Leadership (more details to be shared later)
Southwest Asia and North Africa
Statement of Solidarity with the People of Palestine
Resources for Palestine (including COFEM statement)
Op-Ed SWANA Feminists Unite for the Liberation of Palestine
Amnesty International Petition: https://www.amnesty.org/en/petition/demand-a-ceasefire-by-all-parties-to-end-civilian-suffering/
Nationwide demonstration to combat violence against women (Mirabal Belgium platform, 26 November in Brussels)
Viva Vulva Fundraising Art Exhibition (Rifka Fehr, 25 November at Tredici e mezzo in Vienna, Austria)
Webinar: Interrogating the Links Between Climate and Gender-Based Violence (Abt Associates, 29 November 3 – 4:30pm GMT)
‘RUN LIKE A GIRL’ Running Campaign (Central European University, 25 November-10 December in Vienna, Austria)
We are excited to partner with Raising Voices on a consolidated social media campaign and jointly expand our audiences. We have also partnered with Politics4Her to support the development of the Addressing VAWG in the SWANA Region Policy Brief. For the Resourcing Feminist Movements webinar, we have partnered with representatives of the African Women’s Development Fund, Black Feminist Fund and the Global Alliance for Sustained Feminist Movements.
If you have ideas on how you would like to collaborate with other COFEMinists during this campaign, please reach out to Lucky and Iris.