COFEM Knowledge Summit 2018

What is the COFEM Knowledge Summit?

Are you a GBV practitioner, advocate or policy-maker working in development or humanitarian settings around the world? Are you a researcher aimed at building knowledge and evidence on GBV? Are you a donor supporting GBV programmes?

Do you have questions about the best way to articulate and implement strategies and approaches that are women-centered and truly transformational?  Are you facing challenges in applying a feminist-informed approach to your work?

In 2018, over 16 Days of Activism (November 25 to December 10), COFEM hosted an online ‘Knowledge Summit.’ Brought to you by some of the leading GBV experts working in humanitarian and development settings, the COFEM Knowledge Summit 2018 was comprised of six sessions, covering a wide range of issues critical to our work.  Participants dialed in from across the world to learn more about feminist perspectives in work to prevent and respond to VAWG.  Now you can hear the sessions too. Let us know what you think!

Listen to the recordings of each session below or view our COFEM Knowledge Summit playlist on YouTube.

Meet the facilitators

To find out more about COFEM Knowledge Summit 2018 facilitators, please click here.

Recordings and Resources

Session 1: Why does a feminist perspective matter in work to prevent and respond to VAWG?

Session 2: Staying accountable to women and

Session 3: Feminist movement

Session 4: Why does GBV programming focus on women and girls?

Session 5: Connecting GBV, sexual harassment and everyday sexism

Session 6: Feminist approaches to building knowledge and evidence on GBV

Resources from COFEM Knowledge Summit 2018 can be viewed here.